Knowledge Hub

Learn from the Experience of Others

Posted on Tue August 29, 2017 | By Lynch Insurance Brokers

Once again tragedy has struck the USA, and the financial implications are being considered. These are early days yet as the full impact is still yet to be felt, but what is not new or unforeseen is the vulnerability of house owners and residents to water damage in flood prone areas...

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Posted on Mon March 14, 2016 | By Lynch Insurance Brokers

Companies or individuals providing professional advice or professional services can be held liable for claims arising from professional negligence committed. These liabilities put you, or the company you work for at risk of a claim that could potentially wipe out business. Professional Indemnity Insurance covers this risk.

6 Things You Need To Know Now About Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

Posted on Mon March 07, 2016 | By Gregory Rose, Chief Executive Officer

New Legislation brings emerging risk for all Directors & Officers in Barbados. The duties of your company and its Board of Directors have increased under the new legislative environment including the Safety & Health at Work Act 2005, Occupational Pensions Benefits Act Cap. 350B and Employment Rights Legislation...

Selecting the Right Insurance Broker

Posted on Wed February 03, 2016 | By James Peirce

Choosing the right insurance broker sounds easy on the face of it, but quite often it is a more difficult task than you imagine....